Inspiration from Seoul, Korea students

Korean Students Visit UCLA

After the tragedy in Sandy Hook last week, we are all wondering what is going to happen in the world.  We are asking ourselves,”Why?” And maybe our confidence in human nature has been nicked, but I refuse to give up hope.  Most people are good. They are kind-hearted and generous. In my travels around the world I constantly meet people who touch my heart, give me food for thought, inspire me, or just plain make me laugh.

Today, on a photo expedition through UCLA, cameras in hand, my photographer buddy, Norman and I ran into a group of students from Seooul, Korea, who were visiting their friend, Christine Kim,  in the United States.  We spent a few minutes with them and were absolutely enchanted by their friendly innocence, intelligence and positive outlook on life.

Spend some time with young people like these and you will be renewed with hope for a great life for all of us in 2013!

So to Kyu Min Lee, Daniel Kim, Joo K Young Lee, Jihee Kim, Christine Kim (future therapist, urban administrator, landscape architect, physics professor and business woman) – Happy New Year!  Great travels.  And when you graduate and go out in the world, keep that optimistic outlook on life with you. It is infectious.
